Thursday, July 7, 2011

Introducing the Yolie Smash

So after many years of begging and pleading many bartenders around town and elsewhere, I finally got a drink created for me. David Kupchinsky a.k.a. Ol' Man Winter from The Eveleigh created the Yolie Smash for me on my birthday last night. Talk about an honor. It was the best gift a girl could get. OK, I might have asked him to make a drink named after me, but seeing that I never manage to get anyone to do one, I wasn't really expecting it.  Made of mezcal, Serrano pepper, heirloom tomatoes, cucumber, Pimm's and lime juice, it's a smokey, spicy drink ( just like me) and I love it. It taste so good that I had 5 last night and I'm still alive. I must get the recipe so I can make it myself at home and get it made at other bars. I'm so going to get the word out because everyone should be drinking the Yolie Smash.

Number of drinks consumed on my birthday- too many
Number of friends that were late- shit load of them
Number of bars I went to-4
Sipping a Yolie Smash created by
Ol' Man Winter for my Birthday at the Eveleigh - Priceless

I guess God was listening or read my blog because few days later, The Yolie Smash made it on the menu for the Eveleigh New Farmer Market Sundays. I can finally check off get a drink named after me on a menu off my list now.

Yolie Smash makes it on a menu

I'm with Yolanda - the intro

So finally after saying  many times that I'm going to do a blog and people telling me I should start a blog, I'm finally starting one. OK, I do have a Tumblr page, but that nothing but pics. This site will be about my many adventures I have around town covering parties, bars, getting in trouble,etc .. ya'll get the point. So are you with me or not because everyone wants to be with Yolanda so I heard